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Showing posts from October, 2020

World of Delicious Recipes

I recently asked the children in my second 'group letter' to write a recipe for a healthy dish. They were asked to imagine that one day I travel afar from Scotland to come see them, and they are going to make a special dish just for me. Before my travel, a food bag will be delivered to their home, which contains the following items & ingredients costing total of less than $10. 1) Mix vegetable packet, 2) Pack of tomatoes, 3) Packet of red onions, 4) Rice packet, 5) Tinned salmon, 6) Olive oil bottle, 7) Curry powder, 8) Chilli powder, 9) Fresh green chillies, 10) Cooking salt. Assuming they have all the pots/pans/utensils, the challenge was to write a set of instructions for preparing their dish but only using the above list, name the dish and finally, as a paying customer how much would they charge me for the meal. I was looking for their best of culinary skills to prepare a recipe for a nutritious and tasteful dish. To my astonishment, Aaron from Guayaquil has

The family portrait

Estephanie, when she was 7 years of age in the CI program received a special welcome/birthday gift from me. She purchased a mattress, a bicycle and a beautiful dress. I was new to sponsorship in Guatemala, so specified a dress in my EG only because the colorful tradition of her nation. But when I later received the follow-up report, we all including the staff at CIKC were surprised by what we saw. I had envisioned a completely different style of dress, however CI explained to me that Estephanie does not live in an indigenous area of Guatemala, so she would not want to wear what we would consider a traditional type of dress. I love the choice she made.. really says a lot about her personality. She looks like a little princess. She also chose sparkly silver shoes to go with that beautiful dress. She has a very special place in my heart. It wouldn’t surprise me that one day she will be a fashionista! It’s amazing that her gift of love can mean so much. And to make our everlasting memori

Counting Stars

The meaning behind “Counting Stars” is basically that money can't buy happiness – we never can satisfy knowing how much out there, yet a group of children in Ecuador attempted to do just that! Keeping up with the children is daunting at times when you have a full-time job as well as multiple sponsorship running at the same time, so this July I wanted to try something different – 'group letter' meaning all children regardless of their age receive the same letter, but even that took me a week to sort out and send. It was about getting them to try some 11 activities during the lockdown or school holidays, and over the past 3 months I've been receiving their responses on how they did it. But this one in particular from Evelin (age 18), which I just received today is worthy of mention. BIO:   Evelin is an active youth in CI Quito, participated in events such as leadership and assembly. She received help with schoolwork throughout her sponsorship and has just graduated to