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Showing posts from December, 2021

Making sense of US sponsorship

Living in the US is so much more expensive than the other countries where Children International operate, so that sponsoring a child in the US will require multiple sponsors, whereas one sponsor per child from outside. In other words, our sponsor dollar would have much greater impact on a child living in poverty outside of the USA. Gross domestic product per capita is the purchasing power parity value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given year, divided by the average (or mid-year) population for the same year. Here are the GDP per capita ( IMF estimates equivalent to USD for 2021) in CI countries: 1. USA = 69,380 2. Dominican Republic = 20,940 3. Mexico = 20,820 4. Colombia = 15,920 5. Ecuador = 11,530 6. Philippines = 8,900 7. Guatemala = 8,890 8. India = 7,310 9. Honduras = 5,770 10. Zambia = 3,410 So, you can buy more things with one dollar (or the purchasing power of the dollar is higher) in Zambia than you can in any other