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Showing posts from January, 2022

Newfound friendship

Luz is my newest child joined back in last July. She is the only daughter in a single parent family of 3 from Jalisco. The life has been harder for them especially when mum lost her job due to the pandemic. They now depend on financial support from Luz's maternal grandfather. In spite of the difficulties, Luz values her education. She's in grade 8 of school year spanning September through June. Luz enjoys going to church to learn catechism. At her age, I too went to study Buddhism at our local temple every Sunday. She also likes fishing in a faraway dam. Dams are great places to catch fish. Once upon a summer day, I too went fishing with my neighbor at a nearby lake. It was wonderful experience – I told her. Anyone heard of ' Mi Burrito Sabanero '? Apparently a popular children song in Latin America, and Luz was rehearsing it for the school Christmas concert last year. So as our journey begins.. talking and getting to know each other. And where will she take me next? (q